Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why would a free web host offer JDBC but no mySQL?

What would be the point of the JDBC? I guess maybe you can connect to a database elsewhere? But if that's the case, really, how big a deal is it to allow a connection to db along with a web client?

Is listing JDBC support just a gimmick?
Why would a free web host offer JDBC but no mySQL?
Because you can connect to a remote DB server via JDBC with no significant computational overhead, but MySQL has significant computational overhead, especially if the people programming for it don't know what they are doing.

In other words, it means nothing to me to provide JDBC support to you to connect to someone else's MySQL server. It costs me a great deal to provide you with a MySQL server.
Why would a free web host offer JDBC but no mySQL?
well,JDBC(java database connectivity) Api is there to provide connections to other database.

Point of supporting JDBC is...Java is platform independent .Can run anywhere! Linux/Windows/Mac/Solaris.

Ok,if hosting server dont support Mysql Jdbc can still be handy while accesing your Mysql in n-tyre Client server architecture.You can always have Mysql database somewhere else and use it.

Type 3 and Type 4 drivers dont need Client side installation of Mysql.If you have Mysql at Client side then you can use type1/type2 drivers.

Listing Jdbc can be kinda clever maneuver,Yet,on the other hand it's handy cos you dun need to be concern about whether Mysql is there or not...cos you can still use that..with jdbc dsn(database serachname) and driver url in clustered system.

hope this helps


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